I always used to point and shoot cameras until a FIFO (Fly in fly out) mate from Melbourne (cheers Josh Jordan) showed me some of his long exposure night photos. Well that was it, I was hooked and bought my first Olympus Micro 4/3 an EPL 3.

It was still a muddle for a while between point and shoot and semi auto/priority. I visited Josh in Melbourne one year and we went out to do a shoot. The image below was my first attempt at night photography. It was about midnight and approx. 40 k’s from the city centre and the glow in the left background is the glow from the city lights.

In 2015 during a bout of cancer I turned the camera to manual mode and haven’t moved the dial since. It was during this period I fell in love with landscape photography and the colour of the Australian bush especially at sunrise and sunset.

Sunrise over the Stirling Ranges
Sunset at Lake Ninan – Wongan Hills

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